If you didn’t know already, our ultimate mission is to be the best real estate professionals possible to our friends and clients. We have a passion to help people and we feel that it’s our duty to give you the best service and to protect and inform you when it comes to getting the most out of your property when you decide to sell it.
So, let’s start here: We’re currently in a real estate market where we are seeing home values at higher levels than what we were seeing back in 2007/2008, before the market crash. There are tons of buyers out there wanting and desiring to own their own homes in Southern California and with as strong of an economy that we have now, it’s hard to see the market declining drastically any time soon. As a matter of fact, in our professional opinion and the overall opinion of many of economic analysts, we most likely will still see a steady increase in home values as we move forward with 2020.
And that leads us to the purpose of this letter. Be sure to watch the video that we made where we talk about a seller that lost out on close to $100,000 because he chose to respond to a marketing piece that boasted paying cash for their home, with no hassle and no questions asked. We’re sure you’ve seen marketing offering cash for your home. Zillow is even running television ads pushing their “Instant Offer” program which is a quick way for them to purchase your home at a discount.
In the video we share with you a real-life case where a seller we were in touch with responded to one of these advertisements and just sold their home this past January. There are very few cases where it would make sense to sell your home to a cash investor in this current real estate market. Please watch the video and let us know if we can help you get the most money for your property in 2020!
If you didn’t know already, our ultimate mission is to be the best real estate professionals possible to our friends and clients. We have a passion to help people and we feel that it’s our duty to give you the best service and to protect and inform you when it comes to getting the most out of your property when you decide to sell it.
So, let’s start here: We’re currently in a real estate market where we are seeing home values at higher levels than what we were seeing back in 2007/2008, before the market crash. There are tons of buyers out there wanting and desiring to own their own homes in Southern California and with as strong of an economy that we have now, it’s hard to see the market declining drastically any time soon. As a matter of fact, in our professional opinion and the overall opinion of many of economic analysts, we most likely will still see a steady increase in home values as we move forward with 2020.
And that leads us to the purpose of this letter. Be sure to watch the video that we made where we talk about a seller that lost out on close to $100,000 because he chose to respond to a marketing piece that boasted paying cash for their home, with no hassle and no questions asked. We’re sure you’ve seen marketing offering cash for your home. Zillow is even running television ads pushing their “Instant Offer” program which is a quick way for them to purchase your home at a discount.
In the video we share with you a real-life case where a seller we were in touch with responded to one of these advertisements and just sold their home this past January. There are very few cases where it would make sense to sell your home to a cash investor in this current real estate market. Please watch the video and let us know if we can help you get the most money for your property in 2020!