(562) 883-1003 BRE:01378393 BRE:01431922 BRE:02211662 info@motherandsonrealestate.com

How we provide value to our sellers through using powerful online platforms like Zillow.com.

As always it is our desire to provide value to our clients in any way we can.  That’s why we go out of our way to think outside the box, invest in online advertising, and think of creative ways to sell our listings for top dollar!  It’s not enough for us to just expect other agents to bring in buyers to your home and it’s definitely not enough to just put a For Sale sign on the property and sit back to collect a commission that we didn’t earn.  Our desire here at the Mother & Son Real Estate Team is to earn every penny that our clients pay us to sell their homes.  We want to earn our commission.  We believe that anything that comes easy is not worth taking so that’s why we go the extra mile to give the best service, negotiate the best possible outcome for our buyers and sellers, and invest our marketing dollar for the benefit of our clients.  Watch this short video as Chris Gonzales shares one strategy the Mother & Son Team uses in order to generate more qualified buyers for your listing!

How we provide value to our sellers through using powerful online platforms like Zillow.com.

As always it is our desire to provide value to our clients in any way we can.  That’s why we go out of our way to think outside the box, invest in online advertising, and think of creative ways to sell our listings for top dollar!  It’s not enough for us to just expect other agents to bring in buyers to your home and it’s definitely not enough to just put a For Sale sign on the property and sit back to collect a commission that we didn’t earn.  Our desire here at the Mother & Son Real Estate Team is to earn every penny that our clients pay us to sell their homes.  We want to earn our commission.  We believe that anything that comes easy is not worth taking so that’s why we go the extra mile to give the best service, negotiate the best possible outcome for our buyers and sellers, and invest our marketing dollar for the benefit of our clients.  Watch this short video as Chris Gonzales shares one strategy the Mother & Son Team uses in order to generate more qualified buyers for your listing!