WHY ARE INTEREST RATES SO HIGH? Everyone always wants to know where current interest rates are at. That's probably the most asked question we've gotten over the last 19 years working together as a Mother & Son Real Estate Team. That's a question that's simple to...

WHEN THE FIRST AGENT COULDN'T SELL THESE HOMES, THESE SELLERS CALLED US.. Choosing the right real estate agent is crucial, especially in a market like we're in today. We specialize in getting the job done, even when others can't. These are just a few of the homes we...

ARE YOU A SELLER? PRICING STRATEGIES THAT WORK... Selling homes in 2023 is not easy. Interest rates are high creating some fear in buyers. Sellers who truly want to get their home sold need to use a strategy like what Chris Gonzales is taking about in this video....

RISING INTEREST RATES (%) + 2 MONTH 2023 MARKET REVIEW Interest rates are on the rise. This can have a significant impact on a number of industries, including real estate. Let's take a closer look at rising interest rates and their potential impact on the real estate...

WHY THE REAL ESTATE MARKET SEEMS TO BE AT A STANDSTILL Their has been very limited movement in the market. A large reason for this is that homeowners are reluctant to make a move due to the low interest rate they currently have on their mortgage. The graph above...

2023 HOME VALUE & INTEREST RATE FORECAST Here we go. The 2023 year in real estate is in full swing. This is a must watch video Chris Gonzales put out to educate buyers, sellers, and pretty much anyone that wants to be in the know when it comes to the local real...

Here we go! What will 2023 bring to Real Estate? A MESSAGE FROM THE MOTHER & SON TEAM. The start of the year always brings a certain level of questions, reservations, and even excitement from buyers and sellers. Everyone's wondering, "Is this the right time to...

MUST SEE! AFTER THE SALE DEBRIEF - 10400 Downey Ave Unit 303 We saved this deal from falling out of escrow! You need to hear this story. Not every real estate professional will give you the best results, and in a market like we are in today, with interest...

INTEREST RATE UPDATE (4TH QUARTER 2022) It's no secret that interest rates have sky rocketed this year. One year ago, real estate analyst were forecasting the 30 year fixed mortgage to be just under 4.0% and look at where we're at now. The last time interest...

September 2022
THE REAL ESTATE MARKET HAS TAKEN ITS FOOT OFF THE ACCELERATOR Last month we posted a video going over days on market and listing inventory. Based on the activity we've experience on our own listings and based off the buyer sentiment we were receiving from all the...